Spectacular Spring Cleaning Sale at Fantagraphics Bookstore

Drop by Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery this Saturday, March 14 as we clear space for new arrivals with a big sale of comix and graphic novels by some of our most popular cartoonists. Fabulous Fantagraphics titles by Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez, Johnny Ryan, Dame Darcy, Kim Deitch, Kaz, Jordan Crane, R. Crumb, Megan Kelso, Jessica Abel, Zak Sally, Dave Cooper, and many more will be offered at 50% to 75% off all day Saturday from 11:30 to 9:00 PM.


This Saturday also marks the opening of part 2 of Guy Colwell's Inner City Romance exhibition with new work on display, also available at bargain prices. His graphic depictions of contemporary urban characters and situations are both appealing and topical. Don't miss your chance to see original drawings, paintings and prints by this wonderful American artist.


This event coincides with the monthly Georgetown Second Saturday Art Attack featuring visual and performing arts presentations throughout the historic neighborhood. Fantagraphics Bookstore is located at 1201 S. Vale Street in the heart of Seattle's historic Georgetown arts community. Open daily 11:30 to 8:00 PM, Sundays until 5:00 PM. Phone 206.658.0110.


Don't be detoured by the construction project outside our space. The City of Seattle is investing $1.1 million in a lovely pedestrian-friendly plaza called the "Festival Street." This wonderful amenity, funded by the voter-approved Bridging the Gap levy, will include elevated crosswalks, improved lighting, public art, and extended plazas right outside the bookstore. The work is scheduled for completion by May 30. Both Georgetown Records and Fantagraphics Bookstore will maintain normal hours throughout construction. See you soon.