Me: Talking Designer. You: Fascinated.

I'm very pleased to be a part of the AIGA speaker series at my alma mater next Tuesday evening. I'll be talking about my adventures in graphic design and giving helpful advice on what I've learned through costing my employers thousands of dollars via production screw ups. (My personal low: Typing the wrong contact information on every single page of an international sales catalog while, apparently, the copy editors slept.) Tips on nepotism, back-stabbing, and charming self-deprecation to follow in the Q & A portion. If you're in the area please come out. I'm begging you. [Note: Eric, please stop…

Listen to Igort

The Forbidden Planet blog reports that Igort will appear on the "Clear Spot" program on Resonance FM at 8 PM (presumably UK time) tomorrow, discussing his personal themes and techniques. Check the above links for more details.

Mark Todd at La Luz

Mark Todd has a great looking exhibit opening tomorrow at La Luz de Jesus in LA. Shake the artists hand and enjoy his Marvel homages. I love his weird The Thing egg (or origin story if you will). [For now I can't get images to load. Damned Blogger.]

Jim Hanley’s signing Friday night

The Pain artist Tim Kreider and Escape from "Special" author Miss Lasko-Gross are amongst those signing at Jim Hanley's Universe on Friday night in Manhattan. Here's the skinny: The Fog of War (November 2, New York, NY) 8:00-10:00pm, Alex Robinson, Tim Kreider, Mike Dawson, and The House of Twelve signing at Jim Hanley's Universe in New York City. Alex Robinson will be showing off and signing his Lower Regions. Mike Dawson, Chris Radtke, Cheese Hasselberger, Miss Lasko-Gross, Kevin Colden, and K. Thor Jenson will be out to support the troops as the House of Twelve Goes to War, and Tim…

New Release: The Comics Journal #286

The Comics Journal #286 Our cover this issue spotlights Paul Gravett's extensive and fascinating conversation with one of Britain's national treasures, Gemma Bovary author Posy Simmonds. It's a career-spanning discussion ranging from Simmonds' early days as a compulsive comicker to her career at The Guardian, her children's books, all the way to her forthcoming graphic novel Tamara Drewe. (Click here to read a lengthy series of excerpts from the interview.) Join Shaenon Garrity for a chat with one of the finest writers currently working in genre comics, Wonder Woman scribe Gail Simone. The two discuss Simone's controversial "Women in Refrigerators"…

My Crazy Dad!

I have no idea who Luke Maxwell is, and I'd be hard-pressed to say he has any real talent for cartooning, but this comic strip, titled "My Crazy Dad!" is nonetheless one of the best comics I've read in while and I crave more. I've read it at least three times now since my pal Jason Grote first tipped me to it.

Blah blah blah

Been meaning to write reviews of things I like but just can't seem to stay on top of it, I can't write as fast as I read, and not enough things that I read engage enough to want to sit down and write about them. But Jacob's Cold Heat post inspired me to mention a few things, real quick-like…

Cold Heat Special by Jon Vermilyea – What Jacob said below. This special issue of the Cold Heat series is way better than any of the other issues, which frankly kind of mystify me (and my pal Dan Nadel's unabashed enthusiasm for it only makes me feel like some kind of lame dilletante for not getting it). But this is just a great comic book by Jon Vermilyea, accessible to just about anyone (and not contigent upon having any familiarity with Cold Heat), and the 16" x 23" silkscreened cover is so fucking attractive that I want to frame it. I'm not sure the art on the inside needed to be this big (11 1/2" x 16" or so), but the treatment is worth it for the cover, and the inside tells a genuinely charming story that would work at any size, and reminded me of some of Jaime Hernandez's or Jordan Crane's more fantastical work. I really liked it. If this had been submitted to me for Mome, I would have jumped for joy upon reading it.

Cold Heat Special

Whether or not you're a fan of the original run of Cold Heat comics I highly recommend picking up the new Cold Heat Special with Jon Vermilyea doing the artwork to Frank Santoro's writing. I don't have time to write up a proper review of the comic but suffice it to say that Vermilyea is a great young talent and you could do worse than to collect all his work before you can't Ebay it for less than an arm and a leg. This particular CH story is by far my favorite–but then the style of Frank Santoro's airy art…