Webcomics update for 5/1/09

It's your Friday nite funnies!

Blecky Yuckerella by Johnny Ryan

Listen up! Blecky's got an important announcement in this week's Blecky Yuckerella strip by Johnny Ryan

Chocolate Cheeks by Steven Weissman

We begin the R. Kelly-inspired (not really) sequence in this week's installment of Steven Weissman's in-progress pages from "Blue Jay," an epic 51-page story from Chocolate Cheeks, the next collection of the Yikes! gang's adventures….

Rocky by Martin Kellerman

And in our current 5-day chunk of Martin Kellerman's  Rocky, be sure to catch the last 2 pages of the "Intermission" story, and then we return to the daily strips. "Rocky all grown up"? Really?