Now available: Explainers by Jules Feiffer (discounted, imperfect 1st Edition copies)

Explainers by Jules Feiffer

Explainers: The Complete Village Voice Strips (1956-66) [First Edition – Imperfect Copies]
By Jules Feiffer

Our final few copies of the First Edition all bear minor damage incurred in shipping and handling. We are offering them at a discounted price. (The Second Edition is due in January 2009.) Other sellers are currently offering this book at inflated collector prices — get yours right now for a steal!

In 1956, a relatively unknown cartoonist by the name of Jules Feiffer started contributing a strip to the only alternative weekly published in the US, a small radical newspaper called The Village Voice. His strip tackled just about every issue, private and public, that affected the sentient American: relationships, sexuality, love, family, parents, children, psychoanalysis, neuroses, presidents, politicians, media, race, class, labor, religiion, foreign policy, war, and one or two other existential questions. It was the first time that the American public had been subjected to a weekly dose of comics that so uncompromisingly and wittily confronted individuals' private fears and society's public transgressions. Explainers is the first of four volumes collecting Feiffer's entire run of weekly strips from The Village Voice. This edition contains approximately 500 strips originally published between 1956 and 1966 in a brick-like landscape hardcover format.

568-page black & white 9.25" x 5.25" hardcover • regularly $28.99, sale price $19.95
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