New Digital Releases

Get your reading devices ready for Kramers and consternation because this week marks the digital debut of Kramers Ergot #9 and Josh Simmons’s The Furry Trap.

kramersPowerful and uninhibited cartooning of the highest caliber still exists in the short form and in Kramers Ergot #9, the best and brightest voices have been collected. Whether you’re laughing with joy or cowering in terror, Kramers has you covered with contributors like Michael Deforge, Renee French, Archer Prewitt, Anya Davidson, Julia Gfrörer, Kim Deitch, and more. Get it on your tablet through comiXology.





trapJosh Simmons’s 2012 collection The Furry Trap still holds up as one of the most harrowing assemblages of horror stories ever. Simmons’s artwork and storytelling excel in conveying a sense of dread and claustrophobia and these short stories are uncompromising and, in many cases, blackly humorous. Leave a light on and get The Furry Trap from comiXology.