FLOG: That most self assured and bloated and cul de sac and yet threadbare of comic blogs.

Eric Reynolds pointed out the blog of "Antonius Radio Comix," a bewilderingly anti-comics cartoonist's blog and then Mike Baehr made the keen observation that "surely this guy is the Fletcher Hanks of comics blogging." And so I introduce to you: Antonius.

"I drew a cartoon for playboy I can not scan and neither show here, but it was that experiance in which things seemed to turn for me, and my armor first started to shred. It was their reaction to a cartoon I sent in in august for a nov or dec holiday issue. Their reaction was of a type which went beyond any dislike I ever saw before , and my mom thought, with her hatred for Hef and his published gynocological exams flying , said I got what I deserved. When you fuck a pig you get warts, she told me in Italian…"

To follow his thoughts on our Fletcher Hanks book I recommend you start with the entry of November 29 and work back: "I was once offered a jesuit scholarship due to a papers I wrote in tenth grade about Remus, the first victim of Romulus and his need for power,Leonardo, even the tuscans and such…. But for the pages I now see, I am almost speechless, they are that joyous."

And yet: "My new found love of Fletcher Hanks came to a sad bust…"