Eye of the Majestic Creature Vol. 2 by Leslie Stein – Video/Photo Preview

Eye of the Majestic Creature Vol. 2
by Leslie Stein

144- page black & white 8" x 11.5" softcover • $19.99
ISBN: 978-1-60699-672-0

Ships in: June 2013 (subject to change) — Pre-Order Now

Eye of the Majestic Creature Vol. 2 is the second book collecting Leslie Stein's loose, funny and charming autobiographical narratives that combine idiosyncratic fantasy and stark reality. Larrybear, our hero, has moved from the countryside to the city, where she finds work as a shop girl. Quotes from Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie are sprinkled throughout the story to add humor and poignancy. Stein then takes us back to a childhood in the '80s filled with odd experiences including joining a rock band with older people, sitting in on her mother's AA groups, and the mystery of the disappearing gumballs. Finally, a fun story in which Larrybear and her new friend Poppin the Flower go on a strange trip to see his father. Let us not forget that Marshmallow, Ping-Ping and Mimolette, Larry's walking and talking instruments, have adventures all their own.

Stein's gorgeous cartooning, highlighted by incredibly detailed stippling, and her dry sense of humor combine to make one of the most unique and immersive narrative experiences in comics.

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Eye of the Majestic Creature Vol. 2 by Leslie Stein