Eternaut art on display in Berlin


“Mafalda and Eternauta are Saving the world” – the critical Art of Argentinian comics, is an impressive installation/projection on display now through January 17th, in Berlin.
“Immigration, Art and Politics are the DNA of Argentinian Comic-Artists. One is an Argentinian with german roots, one was born in Paraguay. A third one is italian, a fourth one from Uruguay. The next is from Andalucia and the last one has roots in Libanon and Malaga. We are talking about the writer Hèctor Germán Oesterheld, the Artist Francisco Solano López, about Hugo Pratt Alberto Breccia, Quino and Miguel Rep. They are Masters of an art, which uses humor, strong criticism and visionary Imagination and their works left a mark on a whole generation. After the Golden Age running from the 40s till the 60s Comics stood their ground as part of the resistance against the military dictatorship in the 70s. They are an essential part of social criticism in Argentina.”
Read the article (In German) about the exhibition.
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