Daily OCD: 3/9/11

Today's Online Commentary & Diversions:

A Drunken  Dream and Other Stories [Pre-Order]

Analysis: At The Comics Journal, Ken Parille does a close reading of "Bianca" from Moto Hagio's A Drunken Dream and Other Stories (for which we provided a free PDF download of the story): "I first saw 'Bianca' as a conventional sentimental tale, exploring such familiar themes as 'the sanctity of childhood' and 'the power of art.' And many online writers, regardless of their aesthetic evaluation of its merits, seemed to concur. Some found its sentimentality beautiful, others found it excessive, but all agreed it needed little explication. Had I read it only once or twice, I would have agreed, too. Yet re-readings revealed to me a far different, and far more compelling, surface and depth."

Abstract Comics: The Anthology

Commentary: Andrei Molotiu on the death of The Comics Journal message board and the birth of the Abstract Comics anthology