Bread & Wine by Samuel R. Delany and Mia Wolff – Photoset

"The ridiculously brilliant Samuel R. Delany is one of our most important living writers. Delany is a critical and creative colossus and with Bread and Wine he has produced a miniture masterpiece. Profoundly moving and hilariously honest (rotting socks anybody?), Bread and Wine is the kind of love story that renews ones faith in the incadescent power of love. Don't believe love is possible? Read Bread and Wine. Just broke up? Read Bread and Wine. Met someone who spins this fallen world into beauty? Read Bread and Wine — together. What Delany's tender account of his unlikely relationship with the gentle cheerful (and homeless) Dennis underscores is the humanity that love requires but also the humanity that love in turns renders. Backed by Mia Wolff's arresting (and occasionally rapturous) inks Delany's tale of cross-cultural cross-racial cross-class intimacy is a gift of wonder." – Junot Díaz

Bread & Wine
by Samuel R. Delany & Mia Wolff

64-page black & white 8.25" x 10.5" hardcover • $14.99
ISBN: 978-1-60699-632-4

Due to arrive in about 2-4 weeks. Click the thumbnails for larger versions; get more info, see more previews and pre-order your copy here: